The Central Bank of the Republic of Austria (OeNB) collects financial statistical data in accordance with the national and European legal regulations and provides this data to the competent authorities. This data fulfils the purpose of monitoring the national and European financial system and serves as the basis for monetary policy decisions.
The essential regulations at the national level are, above all, the National Bank Act, the Austrian Banking Act and the Foreign Exchange Act; and at the European level the regulation for collection of statistical information by the European Central Bank (ECB), the regulation for prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms (CRR), the implementing technical standards (ITS) of the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the regulations and guidelines of the European Central Bank (ECB).
In addition, OeNB makes data available to other institutions within the scope of international cooperation or agreements (e.g. with the IMF or the OECD).
Further information on the reporting obligations at: