Our background

Who we are

Our company was established as a unique collaborative joint venture by major banks and financial service providers in Austria as a shared competence centre in fulfilling the regulatory requirements.

Founded in 2013, Austrian Reporting Services GmbH (AuRep) combining various competences, implements the reporting requirements in a central platform.

At present, around 40 employees work at AuRep.


Suggested by the Central Bank of the Republic of Austria - Österreichische Nationalbank (OeNB), the major banking groups in Austria with over 800 institutions representing above 90 percent of the market share at that time, found a common reporting platform: AuRep (Austrian Reporting Services GmbH), which made us the largest reporting facility in Europe. By such outsourcing reporting functions, Austria took a pioneering role in Europe.

1. Produktivsetzung GMP (Gemeinsame Meldewesen-Plattform)

The participating Austrian banks submitted micro-data on a transaction-by-transaction base by the software ABACUS/GMP i.e. loans in a standardized data model, the so-called “basic cube”, defined by OeNB and the banks. These basic cubes are augmented with additional attributes, from which the required reports are derived in the form of multidimensional data cubes, the so-called “smart cubes”. These are then submitted to OeNB and evaluated there.

1. GMP-Nutzung durch Banken

In 2015 seven Austrian banking groups established a reporting factory to progressively outsource their reporting functions functionally and technically. Initially the 3 Banken Gruppe, BAWAG PSK, Bank Austria, Erste Group Bank AG, HP IT-Solutions, Raiffeisen Bankengruppe and the Austrian Volksbanken were part of this reporting factory.

Das neue innovative Erhebungsformat

After the trial operation, smart cubes have been launched, started with WPSC (securities smart cube). This new innovative format is used to report the BSI monetary statistics, interest rate statistics, new loan grants by KRSC (credit smart cube) and ESSC (deposit and general ledger smart cube). Subsequently the cubes are augmented with the statistical data requirements for the purpose of financial market stability (FMS cubes).

Meilenstein in der österreichischen Datenerhebung zu Krediten

AnaCredit is integrated into the OeNB data model and provided as GKE (granular credit survey) on the platform. The unique feature of the implemented solution is the fact that the national granular data requirements on loans were compounded with the AnaCredit requirements to avoid a redundant data collection.

Resolution Reporting

Resolution planning surveys are provided on the platform. As of 2019, such surveys are also available as allocated templates, derived from the OeNB data model.

Implementierung einer neuen Erhebung

The survey for financing of residential real estate WI is rolled out based on the OeNB data model.

Erweiterung des Leistungsumfangs

By admission of public disclosure, including the provision of data transfers from EBA ITS surveys according to the definitions of the EBA mapping tool, the scope of services was extended.

Umstieg auf Cloud Infrastruktur

Successful migration of the database infrastructure of the core reporting system to a cloud-based Oracle service makes AuRep the first company in the RegTech/financial industry which managed the cloud migration of a core system successfully meeting strict requirements of availability and performance. AuRep provides such service as solution integrator of a complete solution to its clients, whereby high requirements shall be guaranteed in terms of interface reliability both from technical and organisational point of view. This step illustrates a milestone of AuRep’s consistent efforts implementing the Cloud strategy and smooths the way for the technical and economic challenges faced by AuRep and its clients.

Synergiepotenziale des Datenmodells

The project “data requirements for resolution planning” is initiated in cooperation with FMA, OeNB and 4 credit institutions. Thus, the synergy potential of the data model, which was developed for reporting purposes, is used for other supervisory data requirements for the first time.
